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Anthony Dimitrokalis

Picture of Anthony Dimitrokalis
My background is as an engineer in life-saving industries where the slightest mistake costs lives for the workers, consumers, the environment, animals, and surrounding residents. However I also enjoy writing and expressing myself creatively. I draw my inspiration from various sources from my urban modern upbringing to my new found small town mentality. Because most companies and governments place dangerous stuff in smaller towns away from big cities, I have traveled to remote regions extensively and have learned that rural areas can be more interesting than urban areas, hence I promote small-town life with the necessary nod to the big cities I left behind. It also helps that I have two parents, both who grew up on a farm who showed me that it doesn't require an education to innovate and be good at everything. Farmers probably know more about everything than most anyone. They taught me alot. My parents could make things out of nothing, and solve any problem in front of them without fear and hesitation. Their struggles as immigrants also inspires my work as it taught me resilience and patience having to balance their ideals with the ideals of the 'modern' nation I grew up in and the seven cities, that I have officially lived in. My present home in Naxos, Greece has taught me to stop seeking perfection and enjoy simple pleasures, except of course when other people's lives depend on it. In such cases one must seek something close to perfection.